Custom entities
    • 7 Minutes to read

      Custom entities

        Article summary

        The Custom entities module enables Management UI users to extend built-in entities and introduce new entities in the loyalty program management. This expands the range of data fields that Antavo can store and provide through APIs upon request.

        To access the configuration page, navigate to the Modules menu and search for the Custom entities module. The page will open to display the list of entities that are already set up.


        Label of the entity with the status


        Name of the database collection


        • yes: the entity is a built-in event provided by default

        • no: custom entity configured through this module

        Configuring custom entities

        Create custom entities

        • Click the Create new custom entity button in the sidebar

        • Define the unique ID of the new entity
          This is the machine-readable ID used to refer to the entity in Antavo APIs.

        • Add a label
          This is the human-readable name of the entity displayed name of the entity in the Management UI and accessible through the API.

        • Write the description of the entity

        • Select the database collection where the new entity is stored

        • Enable the Auto increment ID option if you need Antavo to generate IDs for each entity item introduced later

        • Click Save

        Activate an entity

        After saving for the first time, the status of the custom entity is inactive, which means it is not usable in API calls and only appears in the list of custom entities on the module configuration page. You can activate the custom entity immediately using the Set active button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page and confirm the activation in the subsequent dialog.

        Please note that while custom entities can be created, entity items cannot be added in the Management UI.

        Managing custom entities

        Edit an entity

        Follow these steps to modify the custom entity:

        • Go to the Custom entities page

        • Click the Edit button of the entity you would like to update

        • Make the necessary edits to the entity

        • Save the changes by clicking Update

        Please note that for built-in entities, only the label and description can be edited.

        Inactivate an entity

        Follow these steps to deactivate the custom entity:

        • Go to the Custom Entities page

        • Click the Edit button of the entity you would like to update

        • Click Set inactive

        • Confirm in the dialog that subsequently appears

        While inactive, the entity cannot be accessed through the API.

        Delete an entity

        Entities cannot be deleted from the Management UI. To stop using an entity, please deactivate it.

        Adding custom entity attributes

        When navigating to the Attributes tab of the editor interface of any entity, you’ll first encounter the list of attributes that are already available, along with the following information:


        Label of the entity attribute with the status

        Unique ID

        Unique ID of the entity attribute


        Type of the attribute


        Tags associated with the entity attribute

        Create a new attribute

        • Click the Edit button of the entity to which you’d like to add a new attribute

        • Click the Create new attribute button in the sidebar

        • Add a label
          This is the human-readable name of the entity that is the displayed name of the attribute in the Management UI that is accessible through the API. Tip: by defining the label of the attribute as ‘label’, you can store the name value of a specific entity in an attribute that is called ‘label’.

        • Define the unique ID of the attribute
          A machine-readable ID used to refer to the attribute in the Antavo APIs.

        • Write the description of the attribute

        • Select the field type
          Choose the type of data stored in the field. Ensure that data sent through the API is in the format required by the selected type to prevent API request failures.

          • String

          • Numeric

          • Boolean

          • Select
            Add the selectable options by defining possible values.

          • Url

          • Date

          • Datetime

          • Multiple choice
            Add the selectable options by defining possible values.

          • List

          • Image
            Choose this attribute type to upload images (.png, .jpeg, .jpg type files) to any entity. Once saved, an image can be uploaded in the new field type (for example, a secondary image for a Reward).

          • Reference
            This attribute type is used to link the entity to an individual customer profile. When the reference type attribute is populated with a customer ID, the entity along with all its attributes will appear on the corresponding entity tab of the profile of the referenced customer. This attribute type is not available for built-in entities, and currently, only the customer reference is applicable.

          • Translatable

            Challenge entities can be expanded with translatable-type attributes to support multilingual sites. The configuration field of the attribute will appear in the challenge editor with a Translate button. Use this button to input values for all languages added in the Multi-language module. This allows you to query the translations through the Entities API to apply them on your website.

        • Add a default value (only applicable for String, Numeric, Boolean, and Url type attributes)
          You can enter a default value for entity fields. After the new entity attribute is activated, the default value will automatically populate in all the entity items.

        • Format (only applicable for String, and List types of fields)
          The format of values can be further specified to Date, URL, Email, and Phone number formats. The API will validate the values accordingly.

        • Add tags, if necessary
          Tags define how attributes can be accessed and managed in the system.

          • API: The field is included in the response returned by the Entities API if it is included in the request (fields=<attribute>). If you’d like to include the field without requesting it explicitly, please use the Default API field checkbox.

          • searchable: Any value of the field can be used as a search condition when requesting customer data through the Entities API.

          • importable:  The value of the field can be updated through the Imports module.

          • groupable: The data values of the field can be grouped when configuring charts to be displayed on the Dashboard.

          • filterable: The field can be used as a filter condition when requesting customer data through the Entities API and filtering the list of entities on module configuration pages.

          • unique: The same field value can only be registered once.


        Please be aware that once the unique tag has been added, it cannot be removed once the attribute settings have been saved.

        • Set the access level
          Management UI users from unselected access levels cannot access the attribute in the Management UI.

        • Fieldset
          Select or create a group where the attribute will appear on the editor interface.

        • Default API field
          Tick the checkbox to enable the attribute to be added to API responses, without including the field in the request.

        • Required
          If the attribute is marked as required, ensure to add a default value to this attribute in the valid format. If the value of the required item is empty, you will not be able to make any further updates to the entity without adding a value to the item in the correct format.

        • Click Save

        Activate a custom entity attribute

        After being saved for the first time, the status of the custom entity attribute is inactive. This means it is not usable in API calls and appears only in the list of custom entity attributes on the module configuration page. You can activate the attribute immediately by using the Set active button located on the upper right-hand side of the setup page. Confirm the activation in the subsequent dialog that appears.

        Manage custom entity attributes

        Edit an attribute

        Follow these steps to modify an entity attribute:

        • Go to the Custom entities page

        • Click the Edit button of the entity to which you would like to add the attribute

        • Navigate to the Attributes tab

        • Click the Edit button of the attribute you would like to update

        • Edit the entity attribute

        • Save the changes by clicking Update

        Please note that built-in entities cannot be edited.

        If you have set a default value or modified a previously added default value while editing the attribute, the attribute value will be populated on all entity items if the attribute was empty or populated with a previously configured default value.

        Inactivate an attribute

        Follow these steps to deactivate an entity attribute:

        • Go to the Custom entities page

        • Click the Edit button of the entity that you would like to add the attribute to

        • Navigate to the Attributes tab

        • Click the Edit button of the attribute you would like to update

        • Click Set inactive

        • Confirm in the subsequent dialog that appears

        While inactive, the attribute won’t appear as configurable fields on the Management UI and won’t be added to API responses.

        Archive an entity attribute

        Follow these steps to remove an inactive entity attribute.

        • Go to the Custom entities page

        • Click the Edit button of the entity that you would like to add the attribute to

        • Navigate to the Attributes tab

        • Click the Edit button of the inactive attribute you would like to update

        • Click Archive

        • Confirm in the subsequent dialog that appears

        Please note that only inactive entities can be archived.

        Extending built-in entities

        Built-in entities can also be extended with custom attributes within the Custom entities module.

        Enable the extension of a built-in entity

        • Click the Extend factory entity option in the sidebar

        • Select the built-in entity that you’d like to extend
          The following entities may be available if the required module is enabled:

        Built-in entity

        Module required











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        • Click Extend

        • Click the Save button on the entity editor interface
          You can edit the label and the description of the entity here.

        Manage factory entities

        Once the factory entity has been enabled to be extended, it appears among the list of entities on the module configuration page and can be edited the same way as a custom entity.

        Please be cautious when inactivating and archiving factory entities, as it might break the loyalty program's fundamental mechanics. Please contact the Antavo Service Desk before doing so.

        Add an attribute to a factory entity

        New attributes can be added and later managed as well, please follow the steps of creating and managing a custom attribute explained above.

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