Prize wheels
    • 9 Minutes to read

      Prize wheels

        Article summary

        📓 Note that there is a module called Prize wheel in the Management UI which is a non-supported module. Please make sure you have the Prize wheels module enabled.

        The Prize wheels module enhances your loyalty program strategy with gamification elements. Customers can spend their points to spin the wheel for a chance to win rewards set in the Rewards module.

        In the Prize wheels module interface, you can assign a percentage rate to each prize wheel slice to define the chances of winning a certain reward. The Prize wheel editor interface allows the configuration of display and mechanics settings, which can be requested via Entities API to build your prize wheels on the membership site.

        When the customer spins the wheel, you need to send an API request to Antavo’s endpoint to retrieve information about the spin outcome. Upon receiving the response, a wheel_spin event will automatically registered, deducting the points spent by the customer for spinning.

        To access the configuration page, navigate to the Modules menu and search for the Prize wheels module. The page will display the list of wheels, indicating their status (active, inactive, draft) below the name.

        Setting up a new wheel


        You can access and display all the below-configured information on the membership site through the Entities API. Please consult your developers to implement the necessary calls.

        • Click the Create new prize wheel button in the left sidebar


        Add the name of the wheel. If you handle multiple languages in your loyalty program, click the Translate button to add translations.


        You can upload two logos: a main logo and a center logo. Logo images are returned by the API so that you can place them in your prize wheel.


        You can select four colors: background, font, button, button text. The hexadecimal color code is provided by the API upon request.

        Basic settings

        • Click the Center rotation checkbox to enable center logo rotation while the wheel is spinning
          Please note that as the wheel is built on your end, the effects should be built on your end too; Antavo can only provide the information that the image should rotate or not.

        • Click the Disable reward claim checkbox to disable the Reward event to be registered when the customer wins a reward
          If this option is enabled, the reward customers win won’t be assigned to customers automatically. In this case, you may want to set up a workflow that assigns the reward when an event (that would trigger the reward assignment, e.g., a custom event of the customer explicitly requesting the reward) is registered. Please ensure that the Reward claim action in the workflow is configured so that the reward is assigned for free.

        • Enter the point price of one spin in the Price field
          You can let customers spin the wheel for free by defining a point value of 0.

        • Set the time that should pass between two spins of one customer in the Repeat interval field
          The repeat interval should be set in the following format: ({number}minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s). Leave it empty if customers should be able to spin again anytime without a time restriction being applied.


        • Set the start and end dates for your prize wheel

          • Display coming soon before the start date
            If this option is enabled, the Display API that lists the available prize wheels for each customer will include this prize wheel with scheduled status before the start date.

          • Display expired prize wheel after its end date
            If this option is enabled, the Display API that lists the available prize wheels for each customer will include this prize wheel with expired status before the start date.

        • Restrict the prize wheel to segments
          Choose specific customer segments and/or lists from the dropdown list. You can add multiple segments using the dropdown list. This configuration field works with a logical or operator, which means that the prize wheel is accessible to the members of any of the selected segment(s) and list(s).

        • Display prize wheel only for selected segments
          Tick the box if you want to hide the prize wheel from customers who are not in the selected segments. If you do not hide the prize wheel, the Display API that lists the available prize wheel for each customer will include the prize wheel with restricted status to customers outside of the selected segment(s) with the default restriction message.

        • Write a restriction message
          Provide a message explaining why customers are not able to spin at the moment. This message is returned by the Display API when a POST request is sent to enter the customer into the prize wheel.


        The slices of the wheel can be added by clicking the Add + button under the Options section.

        • Select the slice type
          Choose reward if it’s a winning slice and select the corresponsing reward set up in the Rewards module in the dropdown list that subsequently appears. For non-winning slices, select nothing.


        Please note that if a winning slice has stock limitation added to the reward, each time a customer lands on that slice, the stock of the corresponding reward will decrease by 1 item. If the reward’s stock runs out and a customer lands on the reward slice, the spin will fail. This means that no wheel_spin event will be registered and the reward will not be assigned to the customer.

        Other types of reward limitations will not prevent customers from winning the reward through a prize wheel.

        • Add the label of the slice
          If you handle multiple languages in your loyalty program, click the Translate button to add translations.

        • Define the chance of landing on the slice
          The weights are converted to percentages displayed next to the Weight field. The sum of the percentage value of all the added slices must be 100% and the weights are automatically adjusted if the weights are reconfigured or a slice option is deactivated.

        • Add the text displayed when the customer lands on the slice
          If you handle multiple languages in your loyalty program, click the Translate button to add translations.

        • Set the background and font color of the slice

        • Select the status
          Inactive slices won’t be returned by the API, therefore it may not appear on the prize wheel.

        • Set a spin repeat interval
          Define the time interval before a customer can land on the slice again. The repeat interval should be set in the following format: ({number}minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s)

        • Assign a limit to the slice
          Define the number of times a customer can land on this slice.

        • Select the reward for winning slices
          If the Disable reward claim option is enabled and the reward is restricted for the customer based on its configured setting, the API will respond with an error message even if the customer lands on a winning slice.

        Points economy

        If you use Multi-accounts, select the account from which the price points should be deducted when the customers spin the prize wheel.

        • Click Save at the bottom of the page

        Activating a prize wheel

        After saving for the first time, the prize wheel is added as a draft, meaning that the prize wheel will not be available for customers to use. It will only be visible in the list of prize wheels within the Management UI. To make the prize wheel available for customers, you can activate it by clicking the Set active button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page. Confirm the activation in the dialog that subsequently appears.

        Managing prize wheels

        Edit a prize wheel

        • Navigate to the Prize wheels page

        • Click the Edit button of the prize wheel that you want to update

        • Modify the wheel settings

        • Save your changes by clicking Save

        Deactivate a prize wheel

        • Navigate to the Prize wheels page

        • Click the Edit button of the prize wheel that you want to deactivate

        • Click Set inactive at the top right corner of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that subsequently appears

        Inactive wheels won’t be included in the response of the Display API.

        Archive a prize wheel

        You can delete inactive prize wheels from the Management UI by archiving them.

        • Navigate to the Prize wheels page

        • Click the Edit button of the prize wheel that you want to archive

        • Click the Archive button on the upper right-hand side of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

        Archiving is irreversible. Once a prize wheel is archived, it cannot be restored.