    • 15 Minutes to read


        Article summary

        The Challenges module facilitates rewarding customer actions by monitoring all submitted events, including built-in and custom events. It creates a new event when predefined thresholds are met. Challenges can directly allocate points upon reaching milestones or serve as triggers in complex workflows using the workflow editor.

        These challenges can be based on various activities, such as Buy at least 3 products at once! or Subscribe to our newsletter and read it 3 times a week. They can either be one-time processes or recurring components of the loyalty program. Challenges are often used for badge mechanisms, showcasing the number of times a customer has completed a specific combination of activities.

        To access the configuration page, open the Modules menu and search for the Challenges module. The page will open to a list of challenges that are already set up, displaying the following information:


        The title of the challenge. A text label below the unique ID indicates whether the challenge is Active or Inactive.


        The type of challenge, either hidden custom challenge or custom challenge


        The number of points awarded upon completing the challenge

        Adding a new challenge


        You can access and display all this information on the membership site through the Display API and/or the Entities API. Please consult your developers to implement the necessary calls.

        • Click the Create button in the upper right corner of the module page

        • Check the This is a hidden challenge box if you want the challenge to be hidden from customers. Leave it unchecked if you want to add a card to the membership site, allowing customers to see and complete the challenge.
          Note that completions of hidden challenges will not be listed in the response provided by the dedicated Display API endpoint.

        • Click Next to proceed

        Basic information

        • Enter the name of the challenge

        • Add a description*
          Provide a description to help customers understand what they need to do to complete the challenge.

        • Add a category*
          Choose a category from the dropdown menu or create a new one by typing a category name into the field.

        • Upload an image*
          The image should be at least 500×260 pixels to ensure optimal display on both desktop and mobile devices.

        • URL*
          Enter the URL where the customer will be redirected after clicking the CTA on the card.

        • URL target*

          • blank: Opens the page on a new browser tab.

          • self: Opens the page on the current browser tab.

          • top: Opens the page in the top frame. Select this option for displaying a popup on the redirected site.

        • Enter a label for the Call-to-Action button

        *not applicable to hidden challenges


        • Define the point value
          Specify the number of points you’d like to award customers.

        • Add the points history phrase
          Provide context for the awarded points.

        • Set the start and end date
          Customers can complete the challenge only within the time interval between the specified start and end dates.

          • Enable ‘Display coming soon’ option: If enabled, the Display API will list the challenge with scheduled status before the start date.

        • Restrict the challenge to segments
          Use the dropdown menu to specify which customer segment(s) and/or list(s) the challenge applies to. You can add multiple segments using the dropdown list. This configuration field operates with a logical or operator, meaning that the challenge is accessible to the members of any selected segment(s) and list(s).

        • Add tag(s) to distinguish this particular challenge from the others
          Select a tag from the dropdown menu or create a new one by typing a tag name into the field.

        • Enable ‘Display challenge only for the selected segment(s)' option*
          Check this box to hide the challenge from customers who are not in the selected segments. If the challenge is not hidden, the Display API will list challenge with restricted status for customers outside of the selected segment(s), along with the default restriction message.

        • Restriction message*
          Provide a message to inform customers why they are not eligible for the challenge and how they can unlock it.

        *not applicable to hidden challenges


        Specify the action criteria of the challenge. You can add an unlimited number of criteria for the challenge.

        • Select the method of calculation

          • Count: Define the criteria based on the number of times the customer must complete an action. This method allows optional attribute conditions and time limitations (e.g., Make 2 purchases or Write 2 reviews every month for 3 months).

          • Accumulating: Define the criteria based on an attribute value of the performed action(s) with a minimum number of actions required. This method also allows optional attribute conditions and a maximum number of actions (e.g., in 4 transactions maximum, the overall checkout total should be 1000 EUR , further examples are provided under the Accumilating challenges section).

        • Click the +Add criterium button

        • Select an event as an action criteria
          Both built-in events and custom events (set up in the Custom events module) are applicable.

          • Add filters:  If you wish to reward customer actions with specific attributes (e.g. when a customer reviews a particular product), you can add filters specifying the attribute, the operator, and the value condition.


        If you manage multiple accounts in the loyalty program, the Account option is available in the Attribute dropdown field. This allows you to restrict the challenge completion to actions of a specific account(s) only.

        Further configurable parameters depend on the selected calculation method:

        • Counting challenges

          • Threshold: The number of times the user must complete the action to fulfill the challenge.

          • Period: The duration within which the user must complete the challenge. For example, 1 week means the customer has to complete the challenge within 1 week from the first action taken.

          • Interval: The frequency at which the user must take actions. For example, 1 day means the customer must perform the actions every day for the specified period.

        In this scenario, the customer should make 3 purchases each with a total value of at least $10, within 3 months.

        • Accumulating challenges

          • Minimum number of events: The customer can complete the challenge if the target attribute value is reached, and the customer has completed at least the minimum number of events.

          • Maximum number of events: The customer can complete the challenge if the target attribute value is reached based on the accumulated values of the maximum number of events.

          • Attribute: The event attribute that should be accumulated. Please note that only numeric fields can be used for accumulation.

          • Overall: the accumulated target value of the selected attribute fields of the registered event(s).

        In this scenario, the objective is to accumulate 15 kilometers, and the maximum number of events is set to 10 to achieve this goal.

        In this scenario, the customer needs to run for a total of 150 minutes. As the number of events (workouts) is not limited, the Maximum number of events can be left empty.

        • Add criterium description
          You can inform the customer of what they must do to complete this particular action. This applies to both accumulating and counting challenges.


        • Enable repeatability
          Set an interval in which customers can earn points for completing the challenge. The minimum interval for repeating the challenge is 1 hour. The repeat interval should be set in the following format: ({number} minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s)|month(s)|year(s)).

        • Enable a completion limitation
          Specify how many times a customer can earn points for completing the challenge.

        • Enable the Resetable option
          This allows challenge reset through the manual registration of a Challenge reset event. The Challenge reset event set the current progress attribute value to 0, which is returned by the /customers/{customer_id}/activities/challenges Display API endpoint.

        Points economy

        • Select the account to which the points awarded by the challenge will be added
          This configuration field is available if the Multi-accounts module is enabled in the loyalty program.

        Saving and activating a challenge

        After saving for the first time, the challenge status is inactive, which means it appears only in the list of Challenges on the module configuration page.

        To activate the challenge, use the Set active button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page and confirm the activation in the dialog that subsequently appears.

        Translate text

        If you use the Multi-language module in your loyalty program, you’ll find Translate buttons on the challenge editor interface. These buttons let you translate texts into each enables language. If you don’t add translations, the default text will be used for all languages. If you want to translate custom challenge fields added through the Custom entities module, make sure to tag them with the Translatable attribute.

        Managing challenges

        Edit a challenge

        • Navigate to the Challenges tab

        • Click the hamburger button of the challenge that you want to edit

        • Click Edit

        • Make your changes to the challenge

        • Save your changes by clicking the Save button

        Clone a challenge

        If you want to create more challenges with similar settings, you can clone them. This mechanism duplicates all settings.

        • Navigate to the Challenges tab

        • Click the hamburger button of the challenge that you want to clone

        • Click the Edit button of the challenge that you want to clone

        • In the upper right corner, click Clone
          Once it’s done, the editor page of the newly created clone challenge is opened with an Activity is successfully cloned success message displayed.

        • Edit the new challenge as necessary

        • Click Save

        Deactivate a challenge

        If you want to remove the challenge from the list of point-earning options before the end date, follow these steps:

        • Navigate to the Challenges tab

        • Click the hamburger button of the challenge you want to deactivate

        • Click the Set inactive button on the upper right-hand side of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

        Archive a challenge

        You have the option to delete inactive challenges from the Management UI by archiving them.

        • Navigate to the Challenges tab

        • Click the hamburger button of the inactive challenge you want to archive

        • Click on the Archive button on the upper right-hand side of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

        Archiving is irreversible. Once a challenge is archived, it cannot be restored.

        Import challenges

        Challenges can be created or updated through the Imports module. Please note that the import process does not include image upload. Ensure you add the image(s) using the Image field, to display them properly to customers.

        Sorting of challenges

        You can define the order of the challenges on the membership site by selecting the Sorting option in the sidebar. The list of flows returned by the Display API will be ordered based on the sorting set. Simply drag and drop the flow to change the order, and the changes are automatically applied.

        Filter challenges

        To filter challenges in the Management UI, click the Filters button at the top right corner of the module configuration page. Select the status(es) you’d like to filter by, then click Apply to see the filtered list or Reset to close the filter menu and see the entire list again.

        Searching for a challenge

        You can use the search bar to find a specific challenge name in the challenge list on the Challenges module page.

        Challenge statistics

        View detailed reports on the performance of your activities individually. To access the Statistics page of a challenge, go to the Challenges module configuration page, click the hamburger button of the challenge, and then navigate to the Statistics page.

        On this page, you’ll find the following details about the challenge’s performance during the selected timeframe.

        • Total number of challenge completions

        • Number of members who have completed the challenge

        • Number of points earned by completing the challenge

        • Graph of the number of completions

        Challenge completions

        To view the full list of customers and timestamps for challenge completions, follow these steps:

        • Go to the Challenges module configuration page

        • Click the hamburger button of the specific challenge

        • Navigate to the Completions page

        Exporting challenges

        It is possible to export challenges for further analysis and reporting purposes using the Exports module.

        • Go to the Exports module page

        • Select Challenges as the data model, and click Next

        • Follow the steps outlined in the Exports user manual to create the Challenge export.


        Please note that exporting this data model is only possible in JSON format; CSV is not available.