Customer login
    • 3 Minutes to read

      Customer login

        Article summary

        The Customer login module was developed to assist you in registering and logging in customers to the loyalty program, as well as handling password changes. This case is particularly useful if you don’t use a single-sign-on solution for customer authentication or if the loyalty program is integrated into a mobile app.

        For detailed instructions on how to use the related endpoints, please refer to our API documentation.

        Before you start begin using the endpoints, you need to configure the fundamental settings of the module in its dedicated configuration page in the Management UI.


        To comply with security standards, customers’ passwords are not visible in the Management UI, nor are retrievable from the logs.

        To access the configuration page, open the Modules menu and search for the Customer login module. The page will open to the interface where you can configure the settings of the module.


        • Username
          Select the loyalty field that will serve as the customer’s login username. If the username attribute of the request sent to the /login endpoint doesn't match the selected login field’s value, the request will be rejected.

        • Previous passwords
          Specify the number of previous passwords that cannot be reused in subsequent password reset attempts.

        • Verify enable
          Decide whether to include a verification process before activating the customer as a loyalty member. When verification is enabled, the customer’s status remains pending until successful verification is completed by sending a request to the /verify endpoint with the token generated during the opt-in process.
          By default, verification is disabled, meaning that the customer becomes an active member immediately after registration.

        • Click Save

        Modify settings

        You can adjust the settings by updating the configuration and clicking Save. The changes take effect immediately.

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