Gamified reviews
    • 3 Minutes to read

      Gamified reviews

        Article summary

        The Gamified reviews module encourages customers to write product reviews, which is crucial for building trust and loyalty among shoppers. Reviews help customers feel more confident in their buying decisions and contribute to better SEO performance, by adding unique, consumer-generated keywords to your site.

        Yotpo integration

        Antavo’s incentivized review processes seamslesséy integrate with Yotpo, automating review handling based on the point logic settings configured in the Gamified reviews module. If your store already uses the Yotpo review engine, simply connect your Yotpo account to Antavo to enable this feature.

        Visit Yotpo’s documentation to learn how to set up the module connection so that the automated service that pulls the reviews from Yotpo:

        Configuring module settings

        To access the configuration page, open the Modules menu and search for the Gamified reviews module

        Point logic

        • Awarded points
          Specify a global point value to be awarded for each submitted review

        • Weekly limit
          Define the maximum number of times the customer can receive points for reviewing a product every week. If the customer exceeds this limit within a week, the review events will still be saved, but no additional points will be awarded. Enter a value of 0 if you don’t want to set a limit.

        Loyalty Card

        Once the module is enabled, customers may discover the opportunity to earn points for writing reviews on the membership site.

        In the second section of the module configuration page, you can customize the display settings that the Display API will provide when querying information about the point-earning options.

        • Set the title of the card

        • Add a description to the card

        • Add an image


        • Accept reviews of purchased items only
          You can choose to reward points only for reviews written by customers who purchased the item. When this option is enabled, the customer’s transaction history is checked when the review_submit event is sent. If the ID of the reviewed product cannot be found in the logs, the event is rejected.

        • Accepting multiple reviews per item with 0 point
          When enabled, the review_submitevent of an item that has already been reviewed will be registered if the point value of the event is 0. By default, this functionality is enabled. Uncheck this option if you don’t want any review of an item that has been reviewed to be registered, even if its point value is 0.


        Keep in mind that multiple reviews per item greater than 0 points are never allowed, regardless of whether this functionality is enabled or disabled.

        Note that if a review_submit event is rejected, Antavo will not store any information about the review.

        Points economy

        If you use Multi-accounts, select the account to which the associated events and earned points should be registered.

        Click Save at the bottom of the page to apply your configuration changes.