Security logs
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      Security logs

        Article summary

        The page within the Security logs tab displays all actions related to login, onboarding, password reset, and multi-factor authentication events for the specific workspace.

        When you access the Security logs tab, the page will display the list of logged actions, including the following information:

        • Type: Type of the user action

          • login: Successful login

          • login_failed: Unsuccessful login attempt

          • login_banned: Account banned due to 5 consecutive failed login attempts

          • login_unbanned: Account unbanned 1 hour after being banned

          • logout : User clicked the Logout button

          • mfa_enabled: Multi-factor authentication was enabled

          • mfa_disabled: Multi-factor authentication was disabled

          • onboarding: Newly created Management UI user logged in for the first time

          • password_reset_request: Password reset email was sent to a user

          • password_reset: User reset the password via the password reset email

          • password_reset_failed: Password reset attempt failed

          • password_change: User changed the password in the Management UI

          • password_change_failed: Password change attempt failed

        • Timestamp: Date of the action

        • User: The affected user’s username and ID linked to the user profile

        You can filter the list based on any of this information by clicking the Filter button in the upper right corner.