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Reward settings
- 2 Minutes to read
You can find the Settings tab in the sidebar of the Rewards module page. This tab provides the interface to enable two reward-related functionalities of the Management UI.
Show reward description on the Customer overview page
This functionality adds a preview of the reward descriptions on the Customer overview page.
If enabled, the Claimed rewards section is extended with a Description column, that shows the reward description defined under reward settings.
Reward editor
Customer overview
Locking mechanism
You can introduce a mechanism that locks customers from repeatedly claiming rewards within a specific timeframe. By default, the None option is set, meaning that no lock is applied and customers can claim rewards based on the configured reward settings. There are two options in the dropdown list to enable the locking mechanism:
Customer: The lock is applied to the customer, which makes a specific customer unable to claim multiple rewards in a predefined timeframe. Neither the same reward nor any other reward configured under Rewards is available for this customer while the lock is active.
Reward: The lock is applied to a reward, which means that the specific reward is not available to be claimed multiple times in a predefined timeframe. Neither the same customer nor any other customer can claim this reward while the lock is active.
While the lock is active, all reward
events (concerning a reward or a customer lock) will fail with a Claim temporarily locked error message.
Length of time lock
If you have enabled one of the locking options, in this field, you can define the time period while the lock is active in seconds. The default length of the lock period is 60 seconds.