Online treasure hunt
    • 6 Minutes to read

      Online treasure hunt

        Article summary

        The Online Treasure Hunt module was introduced to equip you with a tool that rewards customers for discovering special product pages on your website. With this module, you can incentivize members to explore your online catalog thoroughly and build a more comprehensive customer profile.

        The configured prize is assigned to the customer when the treasure_found API event is submitted to Antavo. A Display API endpoint returns the list of available treasure hunts for specific customers, enabling you to inform them about the challenge and provide clues that help them find the hidden treasure.

        To access the configuration page, open the Modules menu and search for the Online Treasure Hunt module.

        The page will open to the list of treasure hunts that you’ve already added with the following information:

        Name of the treasure hunt

        A text label below the unique ID specifies if the treasure is active or inactive


        The number of points awarded for finding the page

        Number of finds

        The number of times customers have found the page

        Adding a new treasure hunt

        • Click the Create new treasure button in the upper right corner of the module page

        Basic information

        • Enter the name of the treasure hunt

        • Add the description of the treasure hunt

        • Upload an image

        • Add the URL of the page that customers should find

        • Success Message
          Enter the text that should be displayed on the customer’s device when they find the hidden treasure. The success message is returned in the response to the treasure_found API event.


        • Set the Points
          Decide how many points customers earn when they find the treasure. If you are not awarding points, set it to 0.

        • Set the start and the end date
          Choose when customers can participate. The treasure hunt is only available between these dates.

        • Restrict the treasure hunt to segments
          Choose which customer groups can join the treasure hunt. You can select specific segments or lists. When setting up a treasure hunt to multiple segments, only the or operator is valid, meaning that members of any selected segment(s) and list(s) can participate in the treasure hunt.

        Points economy

        • Select the account where the points earned for the treasure hunt should be added
          This option is accessible if the Multi-accounts module is enabled in the loyalty program.

        Saving and activating a new treasure hunt

        Once you’ve finished configuring the treasure hunt, click Create at the bottom of the page to save your changes. Initially, the status of the treasure hunt will be inactive, meaning that it will only be visible in the list of treasure hunts on the module configuration page.

        To activate the treasure hunt, click the Set active button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page. Confirm the activation in the dialog that appears, and your treasure hunt will become active.

        Translate text

        If you use the Multi-language module in your loyalty program, the Translate buttons are available on the editor interface to translate texts into each language enabled. If you don’t specify custom texts, the base text will be applied to all languages.

        Managing treasure hunts

        Edit a treasure hunt

        • Navigate to the Treasures tab

        • Click the Edit button of the treasure hunt that you would like to modify

        • Make edits to the treasure hunt settings

        • Save your changes by clicking the Update button

        Deactivate a treasure hunt

        • Navigate to the Treasures tab

        • Click the Edit button of the treasure hunt that you wish to inactivate

        • Click the Set inactive button on the upper right-hand side of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

        Archive a treasure hunt

        You can delete inactive treasure hunts from the Management UI by archiving them.

        • Navigate to the Treasures tab

        • Click the Edit button of the treasure hunt that you want to archive

        • Click the Archive button on the upper right-hand side of the page

        • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

        Archiving a treasure hunt is irreversible. Once archived, it cannot be restored.

        Filter treasure hunts

        Filter your treasure hunts in the Management UI by clicking the Filters button at the top right corner of the module configuration page. Select the status(es) that you’d like to filter to and click Apply to see the filtered list or Reset to close the filter menu and see the entire list again.

        Searching for a treasure hunt

        Use the search bar to search for a specific treasure hunt name in the treasure list on the Treasure hunt module page.