Set up a scratch card reward
    • 3 Minutes to read

      Set up a scratch card reward

        Article summary

        This tutorial explains how to integrate with Antavo’s APIs, Prize Wheel module, and Rewards module to incorporate a scratch card reward as a gamification feature in your loyalty program.

        1. Build the scratch card

        You can retrieve all the necessary information to build and display the scratch card reward on the loyalty membership site through Antavo’s Entites API. Please refer to the specific endpoint to call in our API documentation.

        2. Create prizes through the Rewards module

        You can configure the prizes that customers can win by scratching a card as a reward using the Rewards module. To create a reward, click Create a new reward under the Rewards module. 

        You can choose from various reward types according to your needs. You can find the configuration steps for each reward type in our user manual.

        Regardless of the number of points set in the Points configuration field, no points will be deducted from the customers’ point balances if they win the reward as a prize from the scratch card.

        Click Save when all the desired fields are filled in, and then Set active to activate the reward and make it available for the Prize Wheel module.

        Alternatively, new rewards can also be created through the Entity API.

        3. Set up game mechanics through the Prize Wheels module

        The game mechanics of the Prize wheels module provide a suitable solution if you’d like to offer a scratch card reward to your loyal members. The chances of winning a prize can be built upon the same percentage values as it works within prize wheels. The only difference is the frontend display of the draw: this time the chances are not represented by slices of a prize wheel, but a scratch card displays the result of the game on the card after the surface is rubbed off. 

        To create a scratch card reward, you can use the UI by clicking the Create a new prize wheel option, under the Prize Wheels module. 

        You can find help to configure a prize wheel in our user manual.

        As you use the module to offer a scratch card reward to your customers, the Disable reward claim option of the prize wheel should not be enabled. This ensures that the reward prize can automatically be registered on the customer’s account when they redeem points to try their luck and win.

        Please ensure that all reward prizes are active while your scratch card is available for customers, as inactive rewards cannot be assigned to customers by this module.

        Alternatively, new prize wheels can be created through the Entities API.

        4. Connect mechanics and frontend elements using API calls

        To query the scratch card rewards that a specific customer is eligible to redeem based on the prize wheel configuration, you need to send a GET request to the Display API endpoint that returns the list of available prize wheels. Based on this information, you can display the options on the membership site according to your design principles.

        To trigger Antavo to enter the customer into a prize draw, send a POST request to the dedicated endpoint of the Display API. You can decide what customer action on the membership site should trigger the request to be sent. For example, you can implement it upon point redemption for a chance to scratch the reward card or when the customer starts rubbing the card off.

        When the request is sent, Antavo evaluates it based on the mechanics configured in the Prize wheel module and registers the Wheel spin event and the Reward event if the customer wins a prize. In the response to this POST request, Antavo returns the result with information about the details of the drawn prize option so that you can notify your customers. 

        5. Test your scratch card reward

        After configuring the rewards and the prize wheels in the Management UI and building the front-end elements in your staging environment, we recommend thoroughly testing the entire customer experience and backend processes. If the scratch card reward is properly configured, you should find a Wheel spin event in the Events history of the customer account used for testing. The attributes of the event reflect the result of the evaluation of the configured mechanics.

        If the Result field of the event stores the ID of a reward, it indicates that the customer has won a prize reward. Consequently, a Reward event should be registered, assigning the reward to the customer account.