API settings
    • 3 Minutes to read

      API settings

        Article summary

        The API tab serves as the interface where you can view API credentials, explore functionalities, and set access restrictions.

        API key and secret

        The API tab opens the page where you can retrieve the API key and secret necessary for establishing connections between your loyalty program and other integrated services, such as a newsletter provider.

        For security reasons, the API secret is only accessible at the time of credential generation and is subsequently hidden from the Management UI. It’s essential to copy and securely store this information in case you need it in the future.

        Please be aware that generating new API credentials will deactivate all existing connections until the new credentials are entered.

        API Browser

        You can also find a link to the API browser on this page, allowing your developer to browse the available API methods.

        • Events: Submit API events.

        • Customers: Access endpoints of the Customer API.

        • Errors : Review the complete content of requests and Antavo’s responses to failed API calls.


        For security reasons, customer passwords included in requests are never exposed in the logs.

        Read more in the API documentation.

        IP Filter

        Under the IP filter tab, you can define specific IP addresses that can access each API endpoint.


        This tab is accessible only when the IP filter module has been enabled in the Management UI. Please contact the Antavo Service Desk for assistance in activating this module.

        • Select the API endpoint from the dropdown list

        • Click +

        • Paste the IP address or IP range (using CIRD notation) that you wish to authorize
          Click the corresponding + button to add multiple addresses or ranges.
          E.g. if you add and, only the and range of 192.168.0.[0-255] IP addresses will be permitted. Otherwise, the endpoint will respond with a forbidden exception.

        • Click Update to save your settings

        You can remove filters anytime using the X button.

        Signature enforcement


        The Signature enforcement tab is accessible only when the API signature check module is enabled. Please contact the Antavo Service Desk if you want to start using this feature.

        If signature enforcement is enabled for an API endpoint, requests made with plain API keys will be rejected due to authentication error. Only requests with proper signatures will be accepted and recorded. Learn how to add signatures to your API requests in the developer documentation. Use the checkboxes to enable signature enforcement for any of the available endpoints.

        • Challenges API  DEPRECATED SOON

        • Coupons API

        • Customer API

        • Display API

        • Entities API

        • Events API

        • FAQ API

        • Leaderboard API

        • Levels API  LEGACY

        • Offers API

        • Rewards API

        • Wallet API  DEPRECATED SOON

        • Workflow Campaigns API

        Before leaving the page, ensure you click Update to apply and save your changes.

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