Fraud prevention
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      Fraud prevention

        Article summary

        Aggregated customer value


        Before you begin configuring this node, ensure that the Customer aggregation module is enabled in your workspace. If needed, please submit a request on the Antavo Service Desk to enable it for you.

        The Aggregated customer value node serves as a fraud detection tool, aiding in identifying and preventing abusive usage of the loyalty scheme. By incorporating this node to any point within the workflow, you can conduct a check to determine if a threshold of an accumulated value condition has been exceeded.

        Typical use cases:

        • Interrupting and preventing event registration if the customer has exceeded a configured earned points threshold.

        • Configuring a limit for the number of bonus points to be earned or spent within one month.

        • Triggering a notification to the customer reminding them about the terms of use if they reach a specific number of point earn limit on the current day.

        The node provides the following configuration fields to define the aggregation condition:

        • Date range
          Choose the time period of values to aggregate relative to the current date. Options include today, week to date, month to date, quarter to date, and year to date.

        • Customer Decide
          Determine if the accumulation should apply to the customer affected by the current workflow execution only or every customer in the loyalty program.

        • Aggregation type
          Select the customer attribute value to be aggregated.

          • earned: number of earned points

          • spent: number of spent points

          • accumulated: number of earned points reduced by spent points

          • standard: number of earned points excluding those from Campaign bonus events

          • bonus: points assigned for Campaign bonus events

        • Threshold
          Specify the target value of the aggregation. PEnsure to input a numeric value.

        Aggregation outputs

        The Aggregated Customer Value node features two types of outputs: success (green) and failure (red).

        • Success: The actions connected to the success output of the node will only execute if the calculated value is equal or greater than the configured threshold.

        • Failure: The actions connected to the failure output of the node will only execute if the calculated value is less than the configured threshold.

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